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Kenya: HR, Staffing & Outreach Specialist

Organization: Atlantean
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 31 Jul 2013


Atlantean seeks to identify a qualified Outreach and Communications Specialist candidate to support USAID/Kenya’s Office of Population and Health (OPH) and USAID/East Africa’s Regional Health and HIV/AIDS Office (RHH). Competitive HR, Staffing & Outreach Specialist candidates must have significant experience and success in dealing with activities such as program management, implementation, management of key communications, and experience in HR and staffing. This position will be based in Nairobi, Kenya with possible travel throughout East and Central Africa.

How to apply:

Please send your resume to africahr@atlanteanworldwide.com and be sure to put FirstName LastName @Recruiting #HR & Staffing Specialist (ex: John Doe @Recruiting #HR & Staffing Specialist) in the subject line of your email.

Kenya: Admin & Travel Specialist

Organization: Atlantean
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 31 Jul 2013


Atlantean seeks to identify a qualified Administrative Program Logistics Support candidate to support USAID/Kenya’s Office of Population and Health (OPH) and USAID/East Africa’s Regional Health and HIV/AIDS Office (RHH). Competitive Admin & Travel Specialist candidates must have significant experience and success in such areas as program support, administration, and logistics. This position will be based in Nairobi, Kenya with possible travel throughout East and Central Africa.

How to apply:

Please send your resume to africahr@atlanteanworldwide.com and be sure to put FirstName LastName @Recruiting #Admin & Travel Specialist (ex: John Doe @Recruiting #Admin & Travel Specialist) in the subject line of your email.

Central African Republic: Responsable de Programme Cash Transfert

Organization: Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Country: Central African Republic
Closing date: 31 Jul 2013

Département: Programme Position: Responsable de Programme Cash Transfert Durée du contrat: 6 mois renouvelable Lieu : Bangui, RCA Date de démarrage: ASAP


ACTED est une association de solidarité internationale française qui a pour vocation de soutenir les populations vulnérables de par le monde et de les accompagner dans la construction d’un futur meilleur en apportant une réponse adaptée à des besoins précis depuis 1993. ACTED vient en aide aux populations touchées par les crises grâce à une approche à la fois globale et locale, multidisciplinaire et adaptée à chaque contexte. Ses équipes (4000 personnes) interviennent dans 35 pays afin de faire face aux situations d’urgence, pour soutenir les projets de réhabilitations et accompagner les dynamiques de développement. Pour ce faire nos équipes sur le terrain interviennent sur plus de 370 programmes dans les secteurs suivants : aide humanitaire d’urgence, sécurité alimentaire, promotion de la santé, éducation et formation, développement économique, microfinance, soutien institutionnel et dialogue régional, promotion culturelle. Forte de son expérience au plus près des besoins et des situations auprès des communautés vulnérables à travers le monde, ACTED contribue aujourd’hui à l’agenda international en faveur des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement, avec des campagnes de plaidoyer en France et en Europe.

II. Profil pays

Capital Office : République Centrafricaine National Staff : 150 International Staff : 12 Areas : 3 (Nord-Ouest, Sud-est, Bangui+Sud-ouest) On-going programmes : 12 Budget : 6.2M$

ACTED a entamé son intervention en République centrafricaine en décembre 2007 avec un grand projet de réadaptation de chaussée. Basé sur son expertise dans reconstruction de secours tant dans conflit que situations de conflit pastorale. Alors que la stabilisation se poursuit dans le Nord-Ouest de la RCA, le Sud-Est a vu sa situation humanitaire se dégrader, à cause notamment d’incursions de la LRA, avec une croissance exponentielle du nombre de déplacés et de réfugiés. Depuis 2008 et la signature des accords de paix, ACTED a travaillé à soutenir le relèvement précoce du pays.

En 2010, ACTED a fait évoluer sa stratégie, se concentrant principalement sur la redynamisation économique, la réhabilitation de routes visant à faciliter l’accès humanitaire et les réponses rapides aux mouvements de population.

En 2011 et 2012, ACTED assure le lien entre l’urgence, la réhabilitation et le développement, l’ONG maintenant ses interventions au Nord-Ouest et au Sud-Est du pays, et ouvrant une nouvelle zone d’intervention au Sud-Ouest avec un projet de construction d’écoles.

En 2013, ACTED poursuit ses projets dans le nord-ouest, le sud-ouest et le sud-est du pays. Cependant, le coup d’Etat qui a secoué le pays le 24 mars 2013 a conduit ACTED à adapter ses interventions. Début mai 2013, les projets du nord ouest sont suspendus pour raisons sécuritaires. Les activités du sud-est sont maintenues et ACTED développe actuellement de nouveaux projets d’urgence pour répondre à la crise sanitaire qui sévit à Bangui depuis cette date.

III. Profil de poste

Le Responsable de Programme assure le développement d’un projet, formant partie intégrante de la stratégie de la mission, et encadre sa mise en œuvre. 1. Assurer la représentation d’ACTED dans son domaine de compétence Représentation auprès des autorités provinciales : Participer aux réunions techniques pour assurer une large visibilité de l’association auprès des autorités locales. Représentation auprès des bailleurs de fonds : Participer aux réunions techniques des bailleurs de fonds et transmettre au Directeur pays les éléments collectés ; Représentation auprès des autres organisations internationales : Participer aux réunions techniques inter-ONGs, des agences de l’ONU (OCHA, PNUD, UNICEF, FAO, etc.) et de toute autre institution inter-gouvernementale ; Contribuer à la production de rapports et plaquettes et garantir la fiabilité technique de l’information produite, ainsi que la confidentialité des informations sensibles de la mission.

De manière générale, veiller à véhiculer une image positive et professionnelle de l’association. Veiller en particulier au respect du mandat, de l’éthique, des valeurs et du discours de l’association vis à vis des tiers.

  1. Assurer la gestion du cycle de projet

Mise en œuvre du projet : Planifier les différentes étapes de la mise en œuvre du projet ; Diriger l’exécution du projet et les modalités de suivi ; Gérer les moyens financiers, logistiques et matériels du projet ; Animer l’ensemble des interfaces internes et externes du projet ; Evaluer les actions mises en œuvre et assurer une bonne adéquation des moyens.

Exécution des tâches de reporting : Etablir un planning des rapports à remettre au(x) bailleur(s) du projet ; Rédiger les rapports narratifs et contribuer à l’élaboration des rapports financiers via des suivis budgétaires réguliers ; Contrôler le respect de la procédure FLAT.

De manière générale, informer systématiquement le Directeur pays ou de zone sur l’évolution de la mise en œuvre du projet et sur les perspectives futures.

  1. Garantir le cadre technique du projet

Assurer la prise en compte des exigences techniques dans la mise en œuvre du projet : Collecter les données techniques et analyser les opportunités et les risques ; Identifier les autorités techniques de tutelle et les partenaires techniques et proposer des modalités de contractualisation et/ou de partenariat.

Diriger la démarche qualité du projet : Analyse de la plus-value technique et de l’impact du projet ; Mise en œuvre d’évaluations techniques du projet.

  1. Assurer la gestion et la sécurité de l’équipe du projet

Direction et encadrement de l’équipe du projet : Organiser et animer des réunions de coordination de l’équipe projet ; Préparer et suivre les plans de travail de chaque membre de l’équipe projet ; Garantir la cohésion de l’équipe projet (résoudre les conflits potentiels) ; Stimuler la vie d’équipe, dans les limites de la vie privée ; Adapter l’organigramme et les TdR du personnel en fonction de l’évolution du projet ; Procéder à l’évaluation périodique des collaborateurs N-1 et transmettre à l’Administrateur pays ou de zone les grilles d’évaluations et recommandations (affectation, modification de contrat ou de salaire, etc.) ; Assurer la formation continue du personnel technique du projet dans son domaine de compétence. Contribution au recrutement du personnel expatrié : Sur délégation du siège, procéder à l’entretien de validation technique d’expatriés résidents dans le pays d’affectation.

Gestion de la sécurité des équipes : En lien avec le Directeur sécurité pays ou de zone, analyser la situation sécuritaire de la zone d’intervention du projet et informer le Directeur pays ou de zone et le Coordinateur sécurité pays ou de zone, par le biais de rapports périodiques ; Contribuer à la mise à jour du plan de sécurité sur la zone d’intervention du projet ; Contrôler le respect effectif des procédures de sécurité par l’ensemble des membres de l’équipe projet.

  1. Contribuer à la capitalisation de l’expérience

Collecter les données et outils utilisés pour la mise en œuvre du projet ; Elaborer un compte-rendu de capitalisation de l’expérience développée dans le projet ; Diffuser le compte-rendu aux partenaires du projet ; Transmettre le compte-rendu au Directeur pays ou de zone, aux Bureaux d’appui régional et au Département reporting du siège.

IV. Qualifications

Au moins deux ans d’expérience terrain en gestion de programme et coordination Connaissance du système d’aide et habilités à comprendre le système des donneurs et des gouvernements 1ère expérience en cash Transfert / Cash For Work Excellente expression oral et écrite Capacité à coordonner et gérer une équipe et des projets Capacité à travailler de manière indépendante et créative sur le terrain et en capital Travail en équipe et capacité à créer un esprit d’équipe Capacité organisationnelle -Forte flexibilité, compétences interpersonnelles et compétences de négociation. Forte habilité à travailler dans un contexte interculturel Habilité à travailler sous pression La connaissance d’une langue locale et/ou régionale est un plus

IV. Conditions

• Salaire défini par la grille des salaires ACTED en fonction du niveau d’étude, de l’expertise, du niveau de sécurité et de la performance • Living allowance mensuelle • Logement et nourriture pris en charge par ACTED : Logement en guest house ou housing allowance (en fonction de la durée du contrat et du pays) • Billets d’avion pris en charge par ACTED • Sécurité sociale, Mutuelle et rapatriement pris en charge par ACTED

Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur http://www.acted.org

How to apply:

VI. Pour postuler

Merci de nous faire parvenir votre candidature en français : CV, lettre de motivation et trois références à l’adresse suivante : jobs@acted.org REF : PMCT/RCA/SA

Chief of Party for a long-term project in Niger

Organization: International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc.
Closing date: 05 Jul 2013

Chief of Party Qualifications: - Demonstrated leadership, strategic thinking/planning, management, and presentation skills. - Strong multi-cultural, inter-personal and supervision skills. - Especially charismatic, professional credentials to be able to establish close, trustful relations for pursuing earnest organizational learning with, particularly USAID’s resilience programs including REGIS-ER and REGIS-AG; - Considerable academic credentials and experience in organizational capacity development, knowledge management as well as managing group dynamics and high-performing teams;Significant expertise in monitoring and evaluation; - A minimum of 15 years of such stated experience, preferably a significant amount in international settings in planning, coordinating and driving complicated and demanding monitoring, evaluation and organizational learning, and capacity development efforts; - A minimum of a Master’s degree in an appropriate inter-disciplinary area such as applied Social Sciences, Organizational Sciences such as Industrial/Applied Psychology, Development Economics, or Management and Evaluation; - Required to have oral and written communication and presentations skills in French (equivalent to tested FSI R4/S4) and English. TO APPLY

How to apply:

Please send Curriculum Vitae (CV) and three references by e-mail to recruiting@ibtci.com with subject line: USAID/SAREL – COP. No phone calls please. Only finalists will be contacted.

Niger: Senior Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist for a long-term project in Niger

Organization: International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc.
Country: Niger
Closing date: 05 Jul 2013

Job Description

International Business and technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI) is seeking a Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist to conduct a long-term performance evaluation of the Sahel Resilience Learning project, which intends to provide monitoring, evaluation, collaboration and learning support to USAID resilience programming in the Burkina Faso and Niger.

Senior M&E Specialist Requirements - A minimum of a Master’s Degree in development, economics, knowledge management or related fields - A minimum of 10 years of progressively responsible professional experience in monitoring and evaluation in the areas of Health/Nutrition, Governance and Conflict, Economic and Agricultural Development. - Excellent team work, inter-personal, communication, presentation and facilitation skills Required to have oral and written communication and presentations skills in French (equivalent to tested FSI R4/S4) and English.

Organization Description

International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI), a US based international development consulting company established in 1987, has worked in over eighty-five countries and has implemented over one hundred and fifty projects. IBTCI has served governments, private sector companies and several donor agencies in practice areas of Monitoring & Evaluation, Accountancy and Financial Management; Procurement Services; Banking and Finance and Private Sector Development.

How to apply:

TO APPLY Please send Curriculum Vitae (CV) and three references by e-mail to recruiting@ibtci.com with subject line: SAREL – Senior M&E Specialist. No phone calls please. Only finalists will be contacted.

Organizational Learning And Knowledge Management Advisor for a long-term project in Sahel

Organization: International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc.
Closing date: 05 Jul 2013

Job Description

International Business and technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI) is seeking an Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management Advisor for evaluation to conduct performance evaluation of the Sahel REsilience Learning project, which intends to provide monitoring, evaluation, collaboration and learning support to USAID resilience program in the Burkina Faso and Niger.

Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management Advisor Position Requirements - A minimum of a Master’s Degree or higher in one or more fields related to organizational learning or development assistance such as public, business or development administration, knowledge management, political science, economics, development studies or closely related, inter-disciplinary fields; - A minimum of 10 years of progressively responsible, professional-level experience in organizational or action learning, development and/or knowledge management; First-hand experience with monitoring and evaluation activities within complex international development contexts, in support of health, economic growth, agriculture and/or democracy and governance programming; - Demonstrated understanding and experience in developing and leading knowledge management programs, facilitating communities of practice and social networking; Exceptional communications and interpersonal skills, including written, in-person/presentation, and facilitation skills applied within multi-cultural contexts. - Required to have oral and written communication and presentations skills in French (equivalent to tested FSI R4/S4) and English.

Organization Description International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI), a US based international development consulting company established in 1987, has worked in over eighty-five countries and has implemented over one hundred and fifty projects. IBTCI has served governments, private sector companies and several donor agencies in practice areas of Monitoring & Evaluation, Accountancy and Financial Management; Procurement Services; Banking and Finance and Private Sector Development.

How to apply:


Please send Curriculum Vitae (CV) and three references by e-mail to recruiting@ibtci.com with subject line: SAREL - Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management Advisor. No phone calls please. Only finalists will be contacted.

Afghanistan: Mid-Level Evaluator, Measuring Impact of Stabilization Initiatives (MISTI) Project, Afghanistan

Organization: Management Systems International
Country: Afghanistan
Closing date: 21 Jul 2013

Mid-Level Evaluator, Measuring Impact of Stabilization Initiatives (MISTI) Project, Afghanistan

Company Profile: MSI is a Washington, D.C.-based international development firm providing specialized short- and long-term technical assistance. Since its 1981 founding, MSI has grown in size and technical scope, now implementing and managing more than 70 projects worldwide. More than 30 are long-term, many in conflict-prone or fragile states that include Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and South Sudan. Today, our range of technical expertise includes analytical and field projects in democracy and governance, economic growth, strategic planning, organizational capacity building, health and the justice sector. MSI focuses on helping our local partners foster progress, manage change and improve the effectiveness of development assistance. We expanded our global footprint in 2008 by becoming part of Coffey, a leading geoscience, international development and project management firm, and a publicly traded company on the Australian Stock Exchange. Alongside the international development arm of Coffey, MSI has corporate offices in 17 countries. Together, MSI and Coffey employ more than 1,400 professionals worldwide. For more information on MSI, please visit our website at www.msiworldwide.com.

Project Summary:

The Measuring Impact of Stabilization Initiatives Project (MISTI) will assess and evaluate the impact of the United States’ stabilization efforts throughout Afghanistan. The project will collect, synthesize and analyze data at the district, provincial and regional levels to track high-order stabilization trends and help shape USG and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) policy and practice related to transition. MISTI will also contribute to the larger body of knowledge on best practices and lessons learned related to the design, implementation and assessment of stabilization activities within a counterinsurgency context.

Position Summary:

MISTI anticipates conducting several mid-term performance evaluations of USAID stabilization programs over the time period of late 2013 – early 2014. The Evaluator consultant will be charged with leading two performance evaluations, according to approved scopes of work, which are to be carried out in consultation with stakeholders and with assistance from MISTI local M&E staff. In addition, the Evaluator will participate as a team member on other on-going performance evaluations which are similar in nature. This position reports to the M&E Specialist and is a consultancy. This position is based in Kabul with potential travel to other Afghan cities such as Mazar-e-Shareef and Herat.


• Adapt tools and methodology to evaluate the program in question.

• Create and manage the evaluation work plan.

• Coordinate field data collection, including conducting interviews with USAID and implementing partner stakeholders in regional capitals.

• Lead the analysis of data and drafting of findings and recommendations.

• Prepare the draft and final reports.

• Lead the presentation of findings to stakeholders.

• Ensure that Afghan ministry partners are engaged in the evaluation process to the extent possible.

• Assist in coordinating field data collection and conducting interviews.

• Contribute to analysis of data and reporting and presentation of findings.

• Other tasks may include periodic assistance coordinating monitoring and validation exercises.


• At least six years of relevant work experience.

• Experience conducting evaluations, assessments, or qualitative research in a development context required.

• Experience evaluating stabilization or governance programs preferred.

• At least one year of experience in Afghanistan preferred.

• Technical skills including design of evaluation tools, evaluation planning and management, analysis of qualitative data, and results reporting.

• Ability to facilitate discussions and liaise with various stakeholders, including donor organizations, implementing partners, and government partner agencies.

• Excellent report writing skills.

• Strong interpersonal skills.

• A Master’s degree in a relevant field preferred.

Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.

Apply Here: http://www.Click2apply.net/jjx7nvd


How to apply:

Apply Here: http://www.Click2apply.net/jjx7nvd

United States of America: Program Manager

Organization: Society for International Development
Country: United States of America
Closing date: 01 Jul 2013

The Society for International Development - Washington, DC Chapter 1101 15th Street, NW, 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20005 http://www.sidw.org/employment-opportunities

Program Manager Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:


Work closely with, and report to, the President, in the areas of programming, event planning, and communications Oversee interns supporting programs and communications Work closely to lead staff members in all programmatic efforts

Programming and Event Planning

Coordinate, oversee, and serve as the main contact for events, including an Annual Conference, Annual Career Fair, and Annual Dinner Manage vendor relationships Track and maintain program budget Collaborate with, coordinate and facilitate programming partnerships with current and potential SID-Washington members Oversee event-related fundraising and publicity Oversee workgroup events and workgroup co-chair relationships, working with other staff Help to fundraise more than $500,000 per year


Oversee social media communications including: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube Update, manage and maintain SID-Washington website Oversee weekly newsletter and blog

Position Qualifications:

Bachelor’s degree required, preference in hospitality management, international relations, or similar Excellent event planning/conference planning and facilitation skills Excellent writing, editing, and verbal communication skills Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills Ability to create and manage budgets Ability to work with vendors (printers, caterers, etc.) Proficiency in MS Office, specifically MS Word and Excel, and design software, such as Photoshop, InDesign or Illustrator Proficiency in social media management and strategy Knowledge of website maintenance Ability to solve problems creatively, undertake detail-oriented work, and work well as a member of a team Able to handle multiple tasks and deadlines with limited supervision in a fast-paced environment and remain calm under pressure

How to apply:

To apply, please submit to our offices:

A letter of interest A current resume 3 references (names/tel#s/position/organization)

Compensation will be competitive for the non-profit field and commensurate with experience. Applications will be reviewed in the order they are received. Please include "Program Manager Application" in subject line. No phone calls, please. Only finalists will be contacted for interviews. Inquiries and applications should be addressed to:

The Society for International Development - Washington, DC Chapter 1101 15th Street, NW, 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20005

Email: jobs@sidw.org Deadline: July 1, 2013 Potential Start Date: Immediately

Burundi: Behavior Change Communication, Technical Advisor - Integrated Health Project*

Organization: Population Services Intl.
Country: Burundi
Closing date: 01 Jul 2013

PSI seeks experienced, dynamic candidates for the position of Behavioral Change Communication Technical Advisor to support the successful implementation of the USAID-funded Integrated Health Project in Burundi. The BCC Technical Advisor will manage an integrated communications strategy that shapes demand and social norms for key behaviors and practices related to key, life-saving interventions in the areas of Malaria, HIV & AIDS, Family Planning, and Maternal and Child Health. The BCC Technical Advisor will manage all communication activities, provide guidance to staff, and ensure that all BCC activities are implemented in accordance with PSI objectives and standards. Candidates must have substantial experience applying an evidence-based approach to developing marketing and communications strategies.

The Behavioral Change Communication Technical Advisor will also be responsible for ensuring strong linkages between research and communication to develop and manage interventions and to measure program impact. The position will be based in Bujumbura, Burundi and will report to the Country Representative with a dotted line to the Chief of Party. The application deadline is July 1.

*Contingent upon Funding


• Implementing a comprehensive and multi-pronged behavior change campaign in targeted areas, in collaboration with key stakeholders. • Work with the research team to ensure relevant behavior determinants have been identified and addressed in designing and developing BCC messages and activities for community-level interventions. • Cultivating partnerships with a wide range of public and private sector players with the potential to influence and contribute to the design and delivery of communication products and messages. • Strengthening the capacity of health care providers, local NGOs, community health workers, and community groups in the development of comprehensive and intensified behavior change activities, such as household visits and interpersonal communication. • Building sustainability and internal and local partner capacity through training and managing activities within the project. • Ensuring linkages between communication interventions, program objectives, and target communities are made. • Implement an efficient supervision and quality assurance (QA) system to ensure consistency and quality of BCC field interventions • Perform any other related duties as may be required.


• Master’s degree in communications or related advanced degree relevant to the field of communication and behavior change or equivalent experience in a related field. • 5+ years experience implementing different aspects of communication and social mobilization, preferably health communications activities and materials. • Experience developing, implementing, and managing behavior change communications campaigns. • Minimum 4 years international experience, with a health or marketing organization, private sector marketing experience a plus • In-depth knowledge of international development, and public health. • Experience leading and mentoring cross-cultural teams; strong management skills. • Exceptional written and oral communication skills; ability to work effectively with a variety of partners and stakeholders. • Understanding of research methodologies, behavior change frameworks, logical frameworks, and management systems desired. • Fluency in English and French


• Exempt • Level 6 *Contingent upon Funding

How to apply:

APPLY ONLINE at http://www.psi.org. No calls or emails, please. PSI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from qualified individuals regardless of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or disability.

United States of America: Capacity Building & Network Manager (Temporary)

Organization: Population Services Intl.
Country: United States of America
Closing date: 23 Aug 2013

This position support Procurement operational and training support to PSI Procurement at platforms and at HQ as needed. A primary function of this position is to promote consistency in vocabulary, practices, procurement support, training, customer services and process flows across the Department and cross platforms. This position serves as a resource to the Procurement management team, providing a quality assurance function, monitoring responsiveness to requests from other Departments, platforms and external customers. Organizes dissemination of tools, templates and guidance documents; helps track requests and questions from other Departments to ensure tools are responsive and consistent across the Department and PSI. Documents established practices and workflow for the Department and manages wider organizational sharing of best practices. Identifies tools for outreach, support and capacity building in coordination with Grants and Contracts staff. Develops, organizes and gives training modules and presentations and provides a quality review for all training efforts. Works to the highest ethical standards for award management and support sharing of best practices and tools. This is short term position.


(a) Develop and support training for PSI staff on roles and responsibilities of the Procurement Department and on the components, requirements and value that a properly functioning department adds to the overall performance of a platform and the organization in terms of project deliverables. (b) Help identify gaps in understanding in terms of procurement procedures, compliance with the funders' requirements, and roles and responsibilities and internal controls. Support the development of key procedures for a fully functioning procurement system to efficiently support program needs. (c) Assist local Procurement Departments to develop clear guidelines on the pre-qualification of vendors which include conducting an open and transparent vendor pre-qualification process with the ultimate goal of creating a pre-qualified vendor list, guidelines on how to maintain the vendor list and the process for evaluating vendor performance. (d) Work with those responsible for the procurement department at the platform level to identify and review existing procurement tools for sharing and help to support or lead creation of any missing tools necessary to ensure good work quality and efficiency.

• BA/BS degree in Business, Supply Chain Management, or related field or equivalent experience • 5-7 years of increasingly responsible experience in federal and/or private grants/contracts management.
• French foreign language ability in speaking, reading and writing required
• Knowledge of procurement concepts and purchasing required. Some knowledge of warehouse management and supply chain a plus.
• Demonstrated project management and organizational skills – especially with time-sensitive work. • Ability to compose in an creative, logical, and concise manner reports, presentations, training modules or other written documents based on analysis of information. • Demonstrated expertise with researching, interpreting, and applying donor regulations. Knowledge of FAR, AIDAR, federal cost principles, OMB circulars, administrative requirements, and other applicable rules and regulations regarding implementation of federal awards is a plus • Excellent verbal and written communication skills. • Proficiency in MS Word and Excel. • Highly developed collaboration, management, and leadership skills. • Demonstrated experience in exercising discretion and judgment. • Knowledge of international development work, health programs a plus • Familiarity with donors such as UN agencies, World Bank, Global Fund, DFID and KFW and foundations is preferred.

How to apply:

Please apply online at www.psi.org. No calls or emails please. PSI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages applications from qualified individuals regardless of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or disability.


Organization: Tetra Tech
Country: Afghanistan
Closing date: 31 Jul 2013

Tetra Tech is a leading provider of consulting, engineering, program management, construction, and technical services, addressing the resource management and infrastructure markets. Our company supports both government and commercial clients by providing innovative solutions focused on water, transportation, energy, and the environment. With over 14,000 employees in over 350 offices across the globe, Tetra Tech’s capabilities encompass the full life cycle of solutions.

Tetra Tech is currently accepting expressions of interest from qualified Chief of Party (COP) candidates for an anticipated USAID-funded project in Afghanistan. The project will assist USAID/Afghanistan to monitor its portfolio of development assistance projects. The project will involve innovative techniques that cover a broad range of technological sophistication in the monitoring and evaluation field. The candidate will be based in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Responsibilities: The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will be responsible for overseeing all project monitoring and verification activities as well as training Afghan staff on data collection. The position will require some traveling throughout Afghanistan, subject to security considerations.

Qualifications: *Have a minimum of a Master’s Degree in statistics, econometrics, or a similar field; *Have at least five (5) years of international development experience with at least one year working in a conflict or post-conflict environment; *Demonstrated knowledge in performance monitoring of international development tasks, data collection, and data management; *Demonstrated success in providing technical and programmatic guidance to diverse stakeholders on optimal mechanisms and methodologies for quality performance monitoring, data validations, planning, quality controls, accountability mechanisms, assessments and evaluations; and *Experience in the unique demands of monitoring and evaluating programs in complex, culturally diverse settings. To be considered, applicants must submit the following as part of the on-line application process: *A current CV in reverse chronological format *A list of at least 3 professional references

How to apply:

To apply: https://careers.tetratechintdev.com/ARDCareers/App/InternationalPostingD... Tetra Tech is committed to diversity and gender equality in all of its operations—in the US and overseas. We strive to reflect these goals in our global mission and in our workforce. We encourage applications from women and underrepresented ethnic, racial and cultural groups. Tetra Tech is proud to be an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

Canada: External Relations Manager

Organization: World Vision
Country: Canada
Closing date: 26 Jun 2013

Are you looking for more than a job? At World Vision Canada we offer challenging careers that change the lives of children all over the world and it will change yours too. Come and be part of a team of over 500 Canadians with a vision for the world: Life in all its fullness for every child.

You will experience Christian faith in action helping to make real and lasting change in the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children. Join the World Vision Canada team and be part of a powerful and effective force for good: For Children. For Change. For Life.

Job Description:

The External Relations Officer is responsible to facilitate ongoing professional relationships with key stakeholders that promote the work of World Vision Canada and foster opportunities for resource acquisition so that stakeholders demonstrate the will to prioritize well-being of children in decisions, structures and systems that affect vulnerable children. This position will report directly to the Director of Advocacy Integration as part of the larger Policy & Advocacy team in Ottawa, Canada.

This position is responsible to:

• produce timely and high quality documents for Government of Canada audiences that highlight WVC perspective and priorities (letters, briefing notes, summary documents, communication products);
• provide comprehensive, up-to-date political landscape information, trends and analysis to support resource acquisition objectives of World Vision Canada and communicate for increased political awareness with relevant WVC colleagues;
• develop, maintain and support relationships with internal WVC clients and external stakeholders;
• work with colleagues to plan and implement high quality events (large scale events on Parliament Hill, learning events) to profile World Vision Canada brand and position for resource acquisition and policy influence;
• coordinate with other departments within World Vision Canada as necessary and actively participate in Policy & Advocacy department; and take on other responsibilities as requested by Director as needed.

Job Requirements:

• This position is based in Ottawa, ON, Canada
• Masters degree or post-graduate certificate in international development; public relations; non-profit leadership or related field, plus 5 years of experience in Canadian political context or civil service
• Applied training in communications or public affairs
• Demonstrated ability to read and analyze political dynamics within working relations
• 3+ years experience with non-profits
• Demonstrated ability to work on a team
• Strong interpersonal skills
• Demonstrated project management skills
• Excellent written and oral communication and presentation skills
• Fluent in English, French is an asset
• Excellent Microsoft Office skills, use of other computer applications an asset
• This position may require flexible working hours

How to apply:

Interested applicants are asked to complete an online application via our careers website: http://www.worldvision.ca/careers Application deadline is June 26, 2013.

Honduras: Chief of Party

Organization: Abt Associates
Country: Honduras
Closing date: 21 Jul 2013

Organization Overview: The International Economic Growth (IEG) Division within Abt Associates conducts projects in agriculture, economic development, labor, privatization, environment, climate change and trade. We work in developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. Our clients include the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and multilateral financial institutions such as the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank.

Minimum Qualifications: MA/MBA with 15+ years of experience OR PhD with 10 - 15 years of experience OR the equivalent combination of education and experience.

Job Responsibilities: Abt Associates seeks a Chief of Party (COP) for an upcoming USAID-funded agriculture and food security project in Honduras. The project is anticipated to focus on increasing agricultural productivity and output and improving household nutritional status.

The Chief of Party (COP) will be responsible for overall management of the program. The primary role is to ensure results are being achieved on schedule, resources are being used effectively, staff is performing, partners are meeting their commitments, USAID regulations are being complied with and deliverables are of the highest quality.

Skills Prerequisites: • Master’s Degree or higher in business, economics, agricultural economics, management, or another related/appropriate field.

• Demonstrated expertise and at least 15 years professional experience working on donor-funded agricultural, economic growth, or environmental programs. At least 5 years’ experience in Spanish-speaking Latin America.

• Minimum 5 years of work experience as COP/Senior Program Manager or an equivalent position managing large, complex agricultural, economic growth, or environmental programs.

• Significant experience managing interaction, collaboration, and dialogue with host country government institutions, the private sector, NGOs and local governments. Demonstrated effectiveness in strategic thinking and policy.

• Excellent ability to foster collaboration across projects, flexible and creative.

• Excellent oral and written communication and presentations skills in Spanish and English are required.

How to apply:

Please Apply Online: https://jobs-abtassociates.icims.com/jobs/7877/chief-of-party/job

Uganda: Environment Program Coordinator

Organization: International Lifeline Fund
Country: Uganda
Closing date: 26 Jul 2013

Report to: Country Director, Deputy Director, and Senior Program Manager
Responsible for: Environmental Programs and Staff in Lira and Kampala
Duration: 1 year with a 3 month probationary period

Description: Based in Kampala with frequent travel to Lira, Uganda, the Environment Coordinator, under the responsibility of the Country Director, will in charge of the coordination and smooth implementation of the Environment program in Uganda.


o Main representative for International Lifeline Fund-Environment towards local authorities, humanitarian actors, partners, private entities and donors;
o Participate actively to coordinate information meetings (clusters, NGO coordination, etc.) in Kampala and in Lira when necessary;
o Represent ILF, its environmental activities and programs during field delegation visits.
o Preparation of monthly reports and contribution to proposals as needed.
o Responsible for supervising the Environment team of local staff personnel and providing guidance to expat volunteers;
o Ensure the daily management and coordination of your team (program objectives, action plan, (set-up weekly coordination meetings with the PM and program senior officers), staff appraisal, etc.);
o Ensure that communication for all departments in relation to the Environment Uganda team is streamlined;


o Ensure the smooth implementation of the Environment projects with respect to proposal commitments in terms of quantity and quality (methodologies, indicators and results follow-up);
o Responsible for the transparency of acquisition, utilization and follow-up of all materials, equipment and cash dedicated to the projects;
o Coordinate field visits on activity sites;
o Inform and update the Country Director of any relevant issue related to the project implementation;
o Responsible for the supervision of Monitoring and Evaluation for Environment projects;
o Ensure a weekly and monthly reporting on program activities from your PM(s) as well as ensure the reporting of all monthly program activities to the Country Director, as well as upon his/her solicitation;
o Ensure that all programs are working towards same goals and objectives – creating a comprehensive environment program in Uganda. *


o Serve as primary point of contact for ILF’s primary carbon credit partner, Uganda Carbon Bureau (UCB) – includes monthly reporting and regularly scheduled meetings
o Compile and maintain accurate figures on the costs and numbers of stove production
o Project and track costs of future carbon credit project
o Design and manage a dynamic digital stove-tracking database to accurately record and track all stoves sold
o Develop, manage and refine a stove-tracking system that uses a mix of both hard copy (paper) and soft copy (digital, including mobile phones) to capture data on the individual purchasers of each stove
o Work with current and future stove vendors to implement the above systems through trainings
o Oversee that the collection of stove sales data
o Develop stove warrantee, maintenance, and buy-back systems
o Developing incentives for vendor monitoring, that is complimentary to carbon credit monitoring requirements


o Work closely with the Senior Commercialization Officer to expand the commercialization activities in Kampala
o Oversee the marketing activities for Kampala market and provide guidance to Commercialization Officers in both locations.
o Leading commercialization strategy and management on a daily basis
o Participating in the regular evaluation of activities and performance
o Providing monthly planning for relevant program purchases
o Presenting new marketing and distribution ideas to Environmental PM in Lira
o Capacity building of local vendors
o Ensuring consistency and quality standards are met in stove production
o In coordination with the commercialization department, develop and update marketing materials


• Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent experience is required. Graduate level degree in a related field is preferred.
• 5-7 years experience in international relief and development is required, minimum three years supervisory experience is required.
• Experience in proposal writing, project design, and monitoring and evaluation is required.
• Experience in fuel-efficient stove sector, water/sanitation desirable and/or organizational development highly desirable
• A driven self-starter, high energy level, quick performer, analytical, creative and responsible
• Native English speaker, Spanish and/or French a plus
• Candidate must have strong verbal and written communications skills and must demonstrate familiarity with evolving industry standards.

How to apply:

Please send your resume and cover letters to info@lifelinefund.org . Please put "Environmental Program Coordinator" in the subject line. Due to the number of applicants, we will only be able to contact those selected for an interview. Thank you for your interest in International Lifeline Fund.

Canada: Field Safety and Security Consultant

Organization: Right To Play
Country: Canada
Closing date: 05 Jul 2013

Request for Proposal - Field Safety and Security Consultancy


Right To Play, founded in 2000 by Johann Olav Koss, a four-time Olympic gold medalist and social entrepreneur, is a global organization that uses the transformative power of play to educate and empower children facing adversity. Through sports and games, volunteers help children build essential life skills and better futures, while driving social change that has a lasting impact in their communities.

What do we do? We educate.

We Help Children Learn. We improve academic performance by using games as a tool for education, fostering physical, cognitive and social development.
We Promote Health by encouraging physical fitness, mobilizing communities around national health issues, and educating about disease prevention priorities including HIV/AIDS, malaria and immunization.
We Build Peace by teaching conflict resolution and peace building skills, while helping heal children and communities affected by war.
We Develop Communities by engaging local staff and volunteers and partnering with local organizations to build infrastructure.

Who have we reached?

Each year, we reach approximately one million children in regular weekly activities. Almost 50% of those children and our Coaches are female. Right To Play is in more than 20 countries including Benin, Burundi, China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories (West Bank and Gaza), Peru, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand and Uganda, along with three pilot programs in Canada, Norway and the United States.

How do we do it?

Our programs are facilitated by 600 international staff and nearly 12,000 volunteer Coaches. Coaches are local leaders and teachers who are trained in our specially designed programming. They implement the programs based on the needs of their communities. We also encourage leadership at all ages by providing youth with unique opportunities. Junior Leaders, some as young as eight years old, become empowered through participating in Right To Play programs.


As a means to improve its preparedness in cases of emergency, natural disaster, accidents, or compromised safety and security, Right To Play is revamping its global approach to field safety and security, culminating in a revised global policy which guides the development and/or revision of Country and Regional Office policies and procedures. As such, Right To Play is seeking an international consultant with expertise in consulting for international NGOs on field safety and security practice to lead the process of revising the RTP safety and security global policy, to support the process of developing country and regional safety and security procedures, and to provide a plan to ensure that revised safety and security procedures are rolled out and followed.
Building on what already exists, the consultant will lead a process in collaboration with the Director, Program Operations (DPO) and the RTP Field Safety and Security Working group (FSSWG), including representation from field teams, to revise the global approach to field safety and security, while ensuring that field teams possess practical and user friendly safety and security plans meet acceptable levels of safety standards.


The consultant shall undertake the following activities:

Phase 1 – Enhancement of safety and security system

  1. Analyze the current state of Right To Play’s global approach to safety and security and establish a plan of action to revise policies and procedures at the global, regional and country office levels, including rolling out through training or otherwise;

  2. Establish a concise, macro level global policy which provides principles that will guide Right To Play’s global approach to field safety and security. The global policy shall also include annexes which contain templates for common standard operating procedures which can be adapted at regional and country office levels. The annexes required for the policy should be determined by the consultant.

  3. Act as an advisor to the DPO and FSSWG during the process of developing regional and country level safety and security procedures.

  4. Establish a sustainable field safety and security framework which highlights: roles and responsibilities of key positions pertaining to field safety and security; includes a monitoring and evaluation component of the policies and procedures; includes risk assessment templates; briefing templates; incident reporting and analysis templates; and, any other critical features as determined by the consultant.

Phase 2 – Safety and security system roll out

  1. Design and deliver a cost-effective training plan to ensure that all key staff involved in overseeing and managing field safety and security are equipped to handle a variety of relevant safety and security incidents. Training would be designed to complement, support and reinforce the upgraded regional and country level safety and security procedures. As such, training would be tailor made to ensure relevance.

Expected deliverables or results that Right To Play expects to see:

  1. Consultation plan to improve Right To Play’s field safety and security system.

  2. Concise macro level global policy for Right To Play with relevant annexes attached.

  3. Safety and security policies and procedures templates for regional and country offices to adapt.

  4. Global safety and security framework.

  5. Cost-effective safety and security training plan for regional and country offices. The plan shall include agendas, methodologies, and handouts.

  6. Implementation of field safety and security trainings.

General Guidelines:

Reponses to the RFP should include:

• The consultant’s philosophy and/or general approach to field safety and security
• The consultant’s past experiences in undertaking this type of consultancy
• References
• Types of services generally offered by the consultant
• How the consultant would approach this initiative
• Samples of training agendas used in the past trainings on field safety and security
• The timeframe which would be required to undertake the activities described divided into the two phases described above. A mini Gantt chart is preferred.
• Cost estimates highlighted by phase. Phase 1 cost estimate should highlight the number of days required for the activities and the daily rates. Phase 2 should highlight costs of a typical training program including expected daily rates and related costs (excluding flight tickets).

• The consultant must possess expertise in the field of international safety and security systems design and training
• Philosophical approach to field safety and security
• Past experience
• Performance based on references
• Timeframe
• Fees

Right To Play is looking for a cost-effective solution to address the activities described. There is no budgetary framework assigned to the RFP as Right To Play is looking for the most reasonable cost and the most reasonable proposal.

Team staffing
Include Biographies of your proposed team for the project and outline the team structure and role of each member.

How to apply:

All proposals should be submitted to Brett Massey at bmassey@righttoplay.com no later than 5 p.m. EST Friday, July 5, 2013.
We thank everyone for their response, however, only the top three contenders will be contacted to set up a meeting to review proposed. Notification will take place on July 12.

Brett Massey
Director, Program Operations
Right To Play International
Tel 416 498 1922 x 268

United States of America: Chief of Party

Organization: Development and Training Services
Country: United States of America
Closing date: 10 Jul 2013

Summary dTS is recruiting for various projects requiring short and long term technical advisors for training, knowledge management, communication and outreach projects.

Roles and Responsibilities The CoP shall be responsible for both overall contract management and technical leadership. S/he will be responsible for preparing the overall work plan and budget, for implementing the plan in a timely basis, and for preparing and submitting reports as required by this contract. As a team leader, s/he shall be responsible for providing strategic guidance, quality oversight, and expertise for the range of tasks in this contract.

Qualifications and Education Requirement Technical knowledge of environment and natural resource management, experience in developing training and knowledge management tools, and skills to ensure coherence and consistency under tight deadlines. Additional qualifications are: • MA or higher • Minimum 15 years experience in managing/implementing training or communication programs • Minimum 10 years direct supervision/managerial experience • Experience in environmental & natural resource management • Training experience • International development field experience • Technical expertise in training, communication or knowledge management desired • USAID experience * This project is 5 years

How to apply:


Turkey: Emergency Medical Officer 13-234

Organization: International Medical Corps
Country: Turkey
Closing date: 19 Jul 2013

International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.

Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

JOB SUMMARY The primary responsibility of the Hospital Medical Officer is to implement medical services in an emergency hospital setting. Services may include emergency department and medical inpatient ward services.

ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSABILITIES: • Implement medical services for emergency affected population according to internationally accepted standards and/or relevant Ministry of Health with focus on controlling communicable diseases. • Establish/utilize standardized data collection tools and train staff on accurate data collection • Collect and analyze medical service data to adjust project objectives/plan additional specialized responses (infection prevention/control, ACLS, rational drug use, improved nursing care, etc) in collaboration with Medical Coordinator/Director and other relevant staff • Work with auxiliary staff to start procedural training programs early • Conduct daily rounds and case discussions to assist and supervise program staff • Assist in hiring of necessary staff members • Analyze training needs and institute training for staff members as required, with an emphasis on hands on training • Work with Team Leader/HTU to implement standardized internal reporting • Work with logistics to ensure regular and adequate drug and medical supplies in order to avoid stock outs • Collaborate with recognized health authorities, health agencies, donors and other stakeholders to utilize standardized reporting practices and information sharing • Represent and actively participate in coordination meetings and other relevant meetings • Any other relevant duties as requested by Medical Coordinator/Director/Team Leader • Assist in the selection and training of qualified program field staff.

SKILLS & REQUIREMENTS: • Medical degree with at least 3 years experience after medical college graduation; preferably with a post graduate degree in Internal Medicine or Emergency Medicine. • Minimum of five years of experience required, of which 3 years should be in a hospital setting in a developing country experience or resource deprived environment. • Previous NGO experience. • Will have excellent communications skills, both oral and written. • Will have excellent self-motivation skills. • Experience in effectively dealing with international and headquarters staff, as well as donor agencies, government officials, and other NGO’s; the ability to work with a broad spectrum of people. • Ability to exercise sound judgment and make decisions independently. • Extremely flexible, and have the ability to cope with stressful situations and frustrations. • Ability to relate to and motivate local staff effectively. • Creativity and the ability to work with limited resources. • Excellent decision making skills. • Must work independently under difficult conditions.

How to apply:


To officially begin the application process, please visit our website at http://careers.internationalmedicalcorps.org/careers.aspx and complete the online employment application form.

United States of America: Knowledge Management & Communication Specialist

Organization: Development and Training Services
Country: United States of America
Closing date: 10 Jul 2013

Summary dTS is recruiting for various projects requiring short and long term technical advisors for training, knowledge management, communication and outreach projects.

Roles and Responsibilities Knowledge Management and Communication Specialist will be responsible for assessing knowledge management and communication needs, identifying and implementing appropriate knowledge management and communication activities and programs.

Qualifications and Education Requirement • Advanced degree in communications, knowledge management or related field • Minimum 10 years experience developing knowledge management & communication products for print and online • Minimum 5 years with international policy and development communications • Expertise required in developing and managing online content • Database design and cloud technologies experience • Experience with NRM, environment and/or climate change issues desired • Experience with adult education media and technologies a plus • USAID Experience preferred

This project is for 5 years

How to apply:


Turkey: Emergency Medical Coordinator 13-232

Organization: International Medical Corps
Country: Turkey
Closing date: 19 Jul 2013

International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.

Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility for rapid response to emergencies. International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.


The Emergency Medical Coordinator is primarily responsible for the design, implementation and management of the emergency health programs. The Emergency Medical Coordinator will work in collaboration with the senior management team and health teams in the field.


Technical Monitoring and Program Quality • Technically lead the International Medical Corp’s health program strategic planning, design and implementation in close coordination with The Emergency Response team leader, donors and other implementing partners, providing technical supervision, and technical support to the emergency health program in Maban County South Sudan, • Ensure planned health activities are in line with approved proposals as well as consistent with established best practices. • Maintain the quality of clinical care through direct supervision of medical personnel, chart review, training and role modeling on the job training and mentoring. • Ensure referral of complicated cases from the static and mobile clinics to the In Patient Department and establish a system to monitor their progress while admitted. • Manage clinical staff including recruiting, hiring, supporting, and redistributing the International Medical Corps health professionals, wherever and whenever required in the supported health facilities. • Work closely with the WASH Coordinator, and Nutrition Coordinator to ensure synergy in the interventions in three sectors where the International Medical Corps is working; • Work closely with senior management and field teams to determine the operational needs of the medical program within the scope of the grants • Ensure that early warning systems and contingency plans are in place for investigation and control of outbreaks of infectious diseases and other health issues of concern. • Oversee the collection and timely reporting of data and statistics for all programs in accordance to the agreed internal and donors reporting requirements • Ensure timely and adequate provision of supplies and drugs through review of pharmacy consumption reports, adherence to treatment protocols, program budgets, acquisition of Goods in Kind (GIKs) from UN agencies and other donors; • Participate and technically represent International Medical Corps in the camp coordination meetings and task force meetings, provide regular technical updates in such forums and the senior management following the established reporting structures and ensure positive interaction and good relations with partners in the region. • Flag any need for and provide input to possible IMC advocacy drives on matters pertaining to the refugee crisis. • In collaboration with the ERT team leader, the logistic Coordinator and the Finance Manager, assume responsibility over the emergency medical response budget including submitting purchase requests to adequately supply medical teams and making sure funds allocated to the response are fully and appropriately spent Program Development • Work with the Emergency Response Team (ERT) team leader, senior management team, field teams, and regional desk in strategic planning for future direction of the health programs. • Work with ERT team leader, Program Officer and Other program staff program coordinator and management team to draft concepts for future funding following the protocols and formats of each relevant donor

SKILLS & REQUIREMENTS: • Minimum medical degree, preferably with a Master’s in Public Health • Minimum of 5 years’ experience with emergency response and post-disaster, post conflict work experience; • Experience in effectively dealing with international and headquarters staff, as well as donor agencies, government officials, and other NGO’s; the ability to work with a broad spectrum of people • Ability to exercise sound judgment and make decisions independently • Ability to write clear and concise reports and to meet required reporting deadlines. • Extremely flexible, and ability to work in basic living conditions, and under administrative and programmatic pressures and ability to cope with stressful situations • Ability to assume non-medical responsibilities from time to time to cover for other team members • Skills and knowledge in program sustainability and capacity building, and project monitoring and evaluation (both quantitative and qualitative methods).

LANGUAGES • Ability to read, write, analyze and interpret, technical and non-technical in the English language. • Ability to effectively present information and respond appropriately to questions from senior managers in the field and HQ, counterparts, senior government and rebel leaders and other related regional players • Ability to speak Arabic a plus

CONDITIONS • Accommodation, food and transportation provided by the organization • Medical Evacuation service and competitive benefits provided by the organization • Further information regarding security and situation on the field available during the interview process • While performing duties of the job, the employee frequently works in precarious and remote places. The employee is usually employed in areas of civil strife, which often result in an unstable security environment. Regularly work in outdoor extreme weather conditions

How to apply:


To officially begin the application process, please visit our website at http://careers.internationalmedicalcorps.org/careers.aspx and complete the online employment application form.

Turkey: Psychiatrist Manager - Turkey 13-252

Organization: International Medical Corps
Country: Turkey
Closing date: 19 Jul 2013

International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.

Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

BACKGROUND: Due to conflict in Syria refugees numbers in southern Turkey are on the rise since mid-2012. Presently, there are more than 340,000 Syrian refugees in Turkey. Most Syrian refugees are scattered throughout apartments in urban areas and about 188,000 are supported by the Turkish Government in 17 camps across southern Turkey. Financial and psychological coping mechanisms wear thin for those in Turkey. Collapse of health care and social service systems in Syria mean access to basic lifesaving services is limited as the country enters its third year of war.


Assist in developing targeted mental health training materials based on global guidelines (WHO mhGAP Intervention guide) and adapted to the local context and needs Provide training in the identification, management (pharmacological and psychosocial) and referral for selected priority mental health conditions for general health care providers Provide training on mental health promotion, psychosocial interventions and community outreach for IMC psychosocial officers. Provide ongoing on the job supervision and mentoring as well as group and individual supervision Provide oversight and support quality control for mental health service provision including supervision, chart audits and reporting Support inter-agency coordination and the establishment of referral pathways with specialized providers and community supports. Facilitate multi-disciplinary team meetings and case discussion among more specialized and general health staff Support the integration of mental health at the health facility level by utilizing IMCs MH PHC checklist and standards, providing feedback to clinic and IMC management and supporting sustainable and measurable systems-level integration. Provide clinical services for severe, acute and complex cases as needed Ensure accurate and regular recording of IMC mental health service provision and activity data in line with IMC M&E/mental health systems and reporting guidelines and donor requirements Liaise with IMC Health Technical Unit (Global Mental Health Advisor and M&E Advisor) in developing training plans and materials as well as clinical and M&E forms and procedures Work within the framework of the IASC guidelines for mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings and Sphere standards as well as WHO mhGAP guidelines Represent IMC as requested and work collaboratively and in coordination with other agencies, local and international and with relevant government bodies

Qualifications/ Skills: 1. Holds a degree in medicine with specialization in psychiatry and holds current license/registration to practice 2. Has a minimum 3 years clinical experience in a hospital and / or community based mental health, preferably in humanitarian/low resource settings 3. Experience of developing training materials 4. Experience and skills in training medical professionals and non-professionals 5. Strong organizational and supervisory skills. 6. Experience of advocacy / engagement with government and non-governmental organisations 7. Committed to working in a team, and prioritizing development of other team members’ capacity 8. Strong interpersonal skills and able to work and lead individuals as a team 9. Diplomatic and able to network and build good working relationships 10. Willingness to travel, sometimes in difficult circumstances 11. Can cope with stressful workloads and working with limited resources. 12. A good command of verbal and written English, Arabic a plus

How to apply:


To officially begin the application process, please visit our website at http://careers.internationalmedicalcorps.org/careers.aspx and complete the online employment application form.

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